I know! I can hear people objecting that the Mass at their parish is very reverent and always focused on God. Mary Parish what they value about the Extraordinary Form, they most often talk about reverence and a particularly strong focus on God. It is often literally the difference between speaking in Latin or in English.” I find both Masses to have an overwhelming commonality. In fact, half of the adults who are in attendance didn’t even grow up Catholic. There are about 45-50 people who regularly attend and only four of them are older than I-and two of them not by much. “Why do people look for the Extraordinary Form of the Mass?” Some have suggested that those looking for a Latin Mass are old people who can’t let go of the old and settle in with the new-which is now almost 50 years old! They are often surprised to discover that at 55 years old I am one of the oldest people in the church on a given Sunday. The most common questions are: “Why?” “Who goes to such a thing?” “Why are people attracted to it?” and “Doesn’t that cause problems in the parish?”

Every so often, when someone catches that the Traditional Latin Mass is offered at the parish, they are intrigued and have any number of questions about it. Both forms of the Mass are offered throughout the diocese, including at one of my own parishes, the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on St.

There are two principal forms of the Roman Rite Mass: The “Ordinary Form,” which most people recognize as the Mass celebrated beginning after the Second Vatican Council, and the “Extraordinary Form,” which was celebrated in its current form since the Council of Trent with the latest tweak coming in 1962.